The Girl fashioned Ethics
Stylish indeed be a 'game' for the girl. But be careful while stylish, do not do the place and style it can make you a victim. Wrong day of the month there is a style that makes you as material for their gossiping and laughing.
So, Let's see what fashionable guide by 3 body types.
# 1 - filled in the chest
✘ Try not to wear a wide waist belt and charging accessories chain length because it will make the focal point of the eye focused on the weaknesses you.
✔ If you want to wear a dress, make sure your choice Polyester material. In fact you can also select blouse that have cut a V-shaped neck Match dark-colored shirt and light-colored pants are also very suitable for the body as you have.
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# 2 - The Tummy FLABBY
✘ Avoid wearing styles like tuck in and crop top. Styles like these you would be showing weakness in the stomach. Not only that, belted jackets are not suitable for bodied individuals like you.
✔ Shirts semi long tunic tops is ideal for you. It will cover all the weaknesses. Pleated trousers with a kind of finishing at the waist can also help divert the eye of the beholder. In fact it can also hide your stomach problems.
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✘ Do not wear leggings. This is because you will look like a 'glove jack fruit' and is not suitable for tight bodied girl like you. You should also avoid wearing shorts or a skirt with a pattern of large and prominent
✔ We suggest wearing loose pants a little to look more straight leg cut and consistent. Selection is also suitable waistcoat worn. If you want to wear skirts, maxi skirt deduction can hide all your flaws.